Is Gaussian Software Free? A Brief Overview
Gaussian is a software package that performs computational chemistry calculations. It can be used to model various molecular properties and reactions, such as energy, geometry, frequency, thermodynamics, kinetics, spectroscopy, and more. Gaussian is widely used by researchers and students in chemistry, physics, biology, and other fields.
But is Gaussian software free? The answer is not so simple. Gaussian is not a free or open-source software. It is a commercial product that requires a license to use. However, there are different types of licenses available for Gaussian, depending on the user's needs and affiliation.
is gaussian software free
For academic users, Gaussian offers two types of licenses: site licenses and individual licenses. A site license allows an institution to install and use Gaussian on an unlimited number of computers within a specified domain. An individual license allows a single user to install and use Gaussian on one or more computers that they own or control. Both types of licenses are subject to certain terms and conditions, such as the prohibition of sharing or distributing the software or its results with unauthorized parties.
For non-academic users, such as industrial or governmental organizations, Gaussian offers only individual licenses. These licenses are more expensive than academic licenses and have more restrictions on the use and disclosure of the software and its results.
So, is Gaussian software free? The answer depends on who you are and what you want to do with it. If you are an academic user who belongs to an institution that has a site license for Gaussian, you can use it for free within the scope of your research or education. If you are an academic user who does not have access to a site license, you can purchase an individual license for a reasonable fee. If you are a non-academic user, you can also purchase an individual license for a higher fee.
In any case, you should always check the official website of Gaussian ( for the latest information on the pricing and availability of the software and its licenses.
One of the advantages of Gaussian software is that it supports a wide range of methods and models for computational chemistry. For example, it can perform calculations based on the Hartree-Fock theory, the density functional theory, the MÃller-Plesset perturbation theory, the coupled cluster theory, and more. It can also handle various types of basis sets, such as Slater-type orbitals, Gaussian-type orbitals, and pseudopotentials. Moreover, it can deal with different types of systems, such as molecules, solids, surfaces, and polymers.
Another advantage of Gaussian software is that it has a user-friendly interface and a flexible input format. The user can specify the details of the calculation using simple keywords and options. The user can also customize the output format and the level of detail of the results. Furthermore, Gaussian software can be integrated with other software tools and graphical interfaces, such as GaussView, GaussSum, GaussRate, and more.
However, Gaussian software also has some limitations and drawbacks. One of them is that it is not compatible with some operating systems and hardware platforms. For instance, it does not run on Linux or Mac OS X systems. It also does not support parallel computing or GPU acceleration. Another limitation is that it is not updated frequently and does not incorporate some of the latest developments and innovations in computational chemistry. For example, it does not include some of the newer functionals or methods that have been proposed in recent years. 06063cd7f5
Gaussian software is not free. It is a paid program used for chemistry and physics research. You need to buy a license to use it.